The Best Poolside This Side of the Hollywood Sign

You are now entering a full splash zone. Prepare for fun.
We believe in the vacation-whenever vibe that’s high on style and within your budget. That includes maximum chilling in between family adventures and those big dealmaking meetings. The pool at Glendale Express is where you can find unpretentious, fit-for-the whole-family, California-style good times, all year round. Here’s what to expect from our hotel’s poolside paradise.
- Inflatables? We’ve flamin-got them. (No really, we’ve got so many flamingo floaties. It’s kind of our thing)
- Poolside cocktails? They’re flowing. Tell your friends.
- Ambiance for days? You betcha. The ‘gram is gonna love it.
- Superfast WiFi so you can check your email from your deck chair? Abso-freaking-lutely.
All this vibe at a budget price, with the best location downtown? We know it sounds too good to be true, so you’ll have to see it to believe it. The booking button is below. We’ll see you by the pool.
Posted InEvents + Happenings